I am Dani, a 22 year old former film student and current film aficionado with a penchant for sarcasm and a bizarre love of potty humor. This blog came about because I can rarely find decent reviews on the movies that I want to watch, and so I figured I'd help other people from having that problem!
I watch a wide range of films, though if you're expecting to find reviews of the major blockbusters here, you're in for a disappointment. I prefer foreign, independent, and cult films above all others, and my favorite genre is horror. (Especially sweet, delicious foreign horror.) Not only will I review the films for their story, cinematography, acting, and the like, but I'll give you a decent summary of the movie's appeal to various sorts. (For example, I'll warn you if it's ridiculously gory, and a number of these will be.)
This will be a bit of an experiment as well, since I've never done anything like this. I'm curious to see if anyone even gives a damn about what I think. We'll just have to see, won't we? If there's any movies you want me to review, please reply here or send me a shout at lizardqueend AT hotmail DOT com!
Since you like foreign film, can I interest you in Machinima animation? There's a really awesome one that scared the shit out of me a while ago...
ReplyDeleteMost definitely! Just give me some info on what it is and how to get my mitts on it! :D