Monday, March 8, 2010



I think the only way to even begin to review this film is to give a brief overview of the man that inspired it. Charles Bronson, born Michael Gordon Peterson, is an Englishman with a penchant for violence and a love of causing trouble for prison workers. After a brief stint as a bare-knuckle boxer, he was imprisoned for the first time at age 22. He has been in and out of prison ever since, and has written several books on his imprisonment. He has also written a book on staying physically fit in tight spaces (like a prison cell!). His Wikipedia entry is here.

The film follows the life of Mr. Charlie Bronson, although loosely and with a fair bit of artistic license. The most amazing part of the film is the performance of the title actor, Tom Hardy. He looks like Bronson, he talks like Bronson, and he delivers some of the fiercest monologues I've heard this side of Patton. One particular scene has him on stage, telling the story of his imprisonment, wearing the cartoonish makeup of a woman on one side of his face and his own lack of makeup/hair/etc on the other. He spins back and forth as if in conversation, and at the end turns to face the audience, the split-face showing. It's a fantastic moment in the film, and one to surely be noted.

For being one of Britain's most violent criminals, Charlie actually doesn't do much violence. Sure, he beats the living hell out of quite a few prison guards, but there's about as much blood in this movie as your average Bond flick. Definitely less death. The movie is shot in a surreal, art house style, with narration by Bronson and a barely linear time line. Colors are very bright, stylized, and the high contrast almost puts in mind the Stanley Kubrick masterpiece on the criminal mind, A Clockwork Orange.

Overall, I liked Bronson. It's a bit slow in parts, and the actual film quality is rather low (though about average for British film and television, from what I've seen.) I would recommend reading up on the real man before seeing the film though, as it can be quite confusing in parts, and it's not hard to get lost.

Entertainment value: Medium. Certain scenes are absolutely amazing, but there are definite lulls in-between.
Scare value: Very low. There are a few tense scenes but nothing actually scary.
Realistic?: Medium-high. Since it's based on a real man, yes. The art style? Definitely not.
Violence/Gore: Medium. Lots and lots of bare-knuckle brawls, including one fabulous one with fully armored riot police and a completely nude Bronson.
Sex: ...Sex isn't the right word. Full frontal male nudity? LOTS. Actual sex? Little to none. You will become very well acquainted with Mr. Bronson's bait and tackle within short order.
This movie is for: Film geeks in general, crime buffs, people easily amused by naked men fighting prison guards
Films like it: I can't think of a single one!

IMDB Entry on Bronson

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